

Afgelopen evenementen

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    Delta Dynamics: Dutch Masterplans and the SDGs


    Both ENDS is co-organising a double panel discussion 'Delta Dynamics: Dutch Masterplans and the SDGs' on June 26th. This is part of the conference 'Critical Perspectives on Governance by Sustainable Development Goals: Water, Food and Climate (25-26 June 2018)' organized by the Centre for Sustainable Development Studies at the University of Amsterdam. At the sessions Both ENDS' partners from Jakarta and Manila will be presenting.

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    Adaptation Futures - Session on Small grants, big impacts


    The Green Climate Fund aims to support transformational pathways to climate-resilient development, intends to reach those most vulnerable, and commits to a gender-sensitive approach. This session presents an important way of putting these commitments into practice: by engaging small grants funds. These funds can provide the much needed channel between large international institutions and local communities adapting to climate change, and assure financing reaches women and men to contribute to transformative climate action. But how to make this shift in how financing is delivered? The audience will be actively engaged in the discussion to come to concrete suggestions to strengthen local access and gender responsiveness of climate finance.

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    Webinar: Strategies For Organizing To Influence, Monitor And Track Climate Finance


    Join us for the fourth session of this five-part series on women's rights and climate finance, aimed at building knowledge and power to ensure finance flows benefit local women's groups, respond to community needs and respect human rights. The webinar will be conducted in English with simultaneous translation in Spanish and French.

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    De ervaringen van inheemse leiders op de Filipijnen


    Het International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Both ENDS, IUCN Nederland en Mama Cash nodigen je uit voor presentaties door Joan Carling, inheems leider en vrouwenrechtenactiviste uit de Filipijnen en lid van de permanente commissie inheemse volken van de VN, en Jan van de Venis, mensenrechtenadvocaat bij JustLaw, over de ervaringen van inheemse leiders op de Filipijnen in een context van toenemende onderdrukking en mensenrechtenschendingen tegen milieu-activisten.

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    Small grants, big impacts: workshop Afrikadag


    On the 14th of April, Both ENDS wil host a workshop called 'Small Grants, Big Impacts' on the annual Africa day in Amsterdam. The workshop aims to demonstrate that so called 'small grants funds' effectively deliver (devopment and climate) money where it matters, to people that need it the most. Large development banks, funds, donors and governments could use small grants funds as alternative financing mechanisms to make sure their money benefits people and their environment now and it the far future.

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    Women's Rights & Climate Finance Webinar: getting the money to the people


    Join us for the third session of this five-part series on women's rights and climate finance, aimed at building knowledge and power to ensure finance flows benefit local women's groups, respond to community needs and respect human rights.

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    UNCCD CoP13


    Van 6 tot 16 september vond in Ordos, China, de 13e 'Conference of Parties' van de UNCCD (UN Convention to Combat Desertification) plaats. De UNCCD is het wereldwijde verdrag van de Verenigde Naties over de bestrijding van verwoestijning en droogte. Alle landen van de wereld hebben de conventie ondertekend. Canada trok zich in 2012 terug, maar heeft in december 2016 onder leiding van de Trudeau-regering het proces voor hereniging ingezet. Both ENDS is lid van Drynet, een netwerk van lokale organisaties en gemeenschappen in droge gebieden die zoeken naar manieren om land op een duurzame manier te gebruiken.


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    Eurodad-conference ‘Alternative policies for a sustainable world’


    Eurodad's International Conference is co-hosted by Eurodad's Dutch members ActionAid Netherlands, Both ENDS, OIKOS, Oxfam Novib and SOMO. It will be held in the Caballero Fabriek in The Hague.

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    De Kracht van Tegenmacht


    Vice Versa, Both ENDS, Partos, ActionAid en Pax organiseren op woensdag 23 November de Nacht van de Tegenmacht in De Nieuwe Liefde (Amsterdam). Een festival om het belang van de tegenmacht te vieren en een hommage te brengen aan burgermoed wereldwijd. Met voorbeelden uit de praktijk, talkshows, muziek en verdiepende discussies belichten we de verschillende aspecten van tegenmacht. Met z'n allen laten we zien dat een samenleving zonder tegenmacht geen echte samenleving kan zijn.

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    COP22: Klimaatconferentie Marrakech


    From 7 to 18 november, the Climate Change COP22 will take place in Marrakech, Morrocco. This '22nd Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)' as it is called officially, is the annual meeting of the 195 countries which have signed and ratified the convention.

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