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Both ENDS verlaat, samen met vele andere Nederlandse organisaties, het sociale media-platform X. In januari doen wij mee aan de campagne “#DetoX” van De Goede Zaak en Stem op een Vrouw. Wij hopen dat veel organisaties ons zullen volgen zodat de haat, misinformatie en ondermijning van de democratie op X minder ruimte krijgen.
De situatie in de Afrikaanse Sahel is de snelst groeiende humanitaire crisis ter wereld. Ruim 3 miljoen mensen vluchten voor geweld. Zij worden geteisterd door honger, ziekte en toenemende droogte door klimaatverandering. Both ENDS en haar partners werken succesvol aan het versneld vergroten van de veerkracht van lokale voedselsystemen en gemeenschappen in de Sahel, gebaseerd op ‘Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration’ (FMNR). Het project, dat wordt gefinancierd door DOB Ecology, loopt halverwege 2026 ten einde, maar heeft al een vervolg gekregen dankzij een nieuwe samenwerking met de Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO).
With the Dare to Trust grant, the Taing Se Malu organization decided to purchase pigs that can be raised and increased in quantities by the women members of their organization. More importantly, through the grant, they formed a women’s group and a youth group to empower them in their pursuit of a more gender-just community.
With resources that the ATBBB women's group received for their Dare to Trust-project, they decided to move forward with growing, processing and selling what they have at their disposal: coffee. They created a production center for their community based enterprise.
NTFP-EP Asia has given small grants to two grassroots women’s organisations in the Philippines and Cambodia. These grants are part of our Dare to Trust project, a pilot with unconditional funding supported by the Dutch Postcode Lottery.
Indigenous women in Didipio, Philippines, grew close to each other when confronting the mining corporation OceanaGold. Now they continue their struggle collectively in the women's group "Bileg Daggiti Babbai". With the help of LILAK they started a sustainable farming project, which helps them make a living to support their day to day needs and afford their children's education.
The project was made possible in Both ENDS's Dare to Trust project, supported by the Dutch Postcode Lottery.