Op 10 maart is Feminist March terug. Dit keer niet alleen met een nieuwe mars, maar ook met een nieuw evenement: de eerste editie van het Feminist Future Festival.
Welke gevolgen heeft grondstofwinning voor het milieu en de mensenrechten? Samen met Wetlands International Europe en de EU Raw Materials Coalition organiseert Both ENDS een online sessie waarin we een open discussie faciliteren over deze consequenties. Aanleiding is de Raw Materials Week in november 2023 en het voorlopige akkoord over de Critical Raw Material Regulation.
online livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q64Ue3fHK2k
Gezamenlijk gaan we aan de slag met gendergelijkheid in klimaatbeleid en financiën. We onderzoeken de obstakels en gaan op zoek naar praktische oplossingen tijdens ons evenement op 3 december 2023 in Dubai.
Wat is de internationale impact van Nederlands klimaatbeleid en wat moet er de komende kabinetsperiode veranderen?
Op zondag 12 november sluiten wij ons aan bij het feministische blok van de klimaatmars 2023, in Amsterdam. Kom ook!
Wat er in het buitenland gebeurt, lijkt soms ver van ons bed. Toch raakt het ons allemaal. Onze energie en boodschappen werden flink duurder na de Russische inval in Oekraïne. De materialen in onze telefoons en elektrische auto's worden meer en meer de inzet van strijd tussen de EU, China, de VS en anderen. En, zoals we vanaf 2020 zagen, ziektes die ergens anders ontstaan kunnen in rap tempo ook onze samenleving platleggen.
In 2021, the Dutch government provided a €,- worth export credit support to Totals Mozgas project in Cabo Delgado, despite civil society warnings about human rights and environmental risks. The gas exploitation fueled a violent conflict, culminating in the Palma attack, displacing 800,000 people and killing 1,200 people.
While agriculture and livestock food production in the world have become increasingly large-scale, industrial and ever more efficient for decades, the damage and inequality this food system causes is also becoming increasingly clear. Across the world, more and more people are therefore engaged in alternative, sustainable food production that ensures many generations to come to still have access to fertile, healthy land and clean water.
In this talkshow, we highlight some of these examples and hope to fuel the dialogue about this topic.
Farid Tabarki - Studio Zeitgeist
Inspired? Join our 'The Future We See' - talkshow on September 28th! You can either attend live or online, quietly listen or actively participate in the discussion - or during the drinks afterwards. We hope to see you there!
To get a glimpse of the atmosphere, see a short video of our last session (about economic systems): https://youtu.be/AUNGcROovnc
And to dive in a little deeper, watch this compilation: https://youtu.be/nzuwIREeiNo
The UN Water Conference is an important event that brings together stakeholders from around the world to discuss water and climate solutions. This year, GAGGA is organizing a side event during the conference that you won't want to miss!
On Thursday March 23rd, from 1.15 -2.30 pm, GAGGA will present their commitment to support, finance, and promote locally rooted, gender just climate and water solutions within the Water Action Agenda. This event will inspire other stakeholders to join in their commitment, while presenting inspiring examples of such solutions presented by local women from Nepal, Kenya, Paraguay, Mexico, and Nigeria.
This event will present The Transformative Water Pact (TWP), an innovative framework for water governance that has been developed by environmental justice experts from around the world. The TWP will serve as a starting point for dialogue between representatives of the government of Colombia, academia, regional and international NGOs in relation to Colombia's current ambitions in multi-scalar water governance.