- breed, save and exchange all seeds and other planting material
- participate in decisions concerning seed improvement/ breeding, selection, quality standards, pricing, production, distribution and diversity
- customary practice especially in regard to indigenous seed
- be protected from being sold fake and inappropriate seed
- have a true choice between the use of certified and seed from fellow farmer managed seed systems
The joint organisations therefore call upon the Indonesian government to resist the ask of the EU to comply with UPOV 91.
Both ENDS, SOMO, Oxfam Novib en Recourse hebben een bijdrage ingestuurd op FMO's consultatie over hun Position Statement on Financial Intermediaries. In dit position statement neemt FMO slechts beperkt verantwoordelijkheid voor de gevolgen van haar investeringen via zogeheten financial intermediaries. We roepen FMO op een position statement uit te brengen dat erop gericht is mensenrechten en milieu wél te beschermen en daarvoor verantwoordelijkheid te nemen.
Pesticide Action Network and 430 civil society and indigenous peoples organizations from 69 countries have sent a letter of concern to the 170th session of FAO council about the FAO partnership agreement with CropLife International.
CropLife International is a global trade association whose members are the world's largest agrichemical, pesticide and seed companies: BASF, Bayer Crop Science, Corteva Agriscience, FMC Corporation, Sumitomo Chemical and Syngenta. The UN Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) en CropLife International have started a partnership in 2020 to collaborate on pesticide use. We think that this partnership is incompatible with FAO's obligations to uphold human rights, directly counters any efforts toward progressively banning Highly Hazardous Pesticides, and undercuts the FAO and several Member States' support for agroecology and other transformative practices.
The letter asks the Council to review and end immediately the partnership agreement with CropLife International.
This letter by Both ENDS to the African Development Bank is a comment written in reaction to a draft version published by the Bank of its Environmental and Social Policy as part of a formal public consultation held by the Bank. This comment was sent to the bank along a joint submission letter with other CSOs, and specifically responds to the overarching Policy.
The bank's flexible requirements for clients and national standards for risky projects dilute safeguards. Project approval should be predicated on specific and binding targets for compliance and reflect input from communities involved.
Together with 29 other CSO's, we've submitted our comments and recommendations in the Public Consultation on the AfDB Integrated Safeguards System. These include that the Bank should prioritize community-led development and human rights-based approaches; protect natural resources and tackles environmental and climate crises; raise the bar on access to information, transparency and accountability; facilitate participatory processes in policies, programmes and projects; and end inequality, poverty, and the cutback and privatization of vital services.
Both ENDS stuurde, mede namens FERN, NCIV en Milieudefensie, een brief aan staatssecretaris van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat Vivianne Heijnen over het MTCS keurmerk. Dit Maleisische keurmerk voor hout blijkt in de praktijk het schenden van inheemse landrechten en intimidatie van inheemse organisaties te gedogen. Nederland zou daarom oa de goedkeuring van MTCS in haar inkoopbeleid moeten opschorten.
16 civil society organisations including Both ENDS have written a letter of concern to the European Investment Bank about a newly proposed standard for the Bank its intermediate finance investing. Both ENDS contribution to the contents of the joint letter consists out of proposals for improvement of screening, scoping, due diligence, appraisal, monitoring and supervision of high-risk clients and sub-projects. through financial intermediaries and clear and mandatory social, environmental and human rights requirements for FI investing matters.
25 civil society organisations, including Both ENDS have submitted a comment on the overarching policy of the newly proposed Environmental and Social Framework of the EIB Group. The EIB has to undertake environmental, climate, social and human rights assessment and appraisal of proposed projects to inform the decision of financing and must not rely on a clients' self-assessment and reporting (solely). The Policy needs to state clearly what the due diligence, monitoring and reporting responisibilities for the EIB are, in particular regarding human rights and contractual clauses with clients should enshrine the standards in all EIB operations, enabling for suspension of contracts if the standards are not implemented.
Both ENDS en partners hebben een reactie gestuurd op FMO's consultatie over fossiele brandstoffen. Both ENDS en partners zijn blij dat FMO eindelijk positie inneemt ten opzichte van fossiele brandstoffen, maar gaat wat ons betreft nog niet ver genoeg.
Both ENDS heeft samen met 13 andere Nederlandse NGO's en vakbonden een brief gestuurd over de Indonesische Omnibuswet aan de Nederlandse minister voor Buitenlandse Handel en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Wij uiten hiermee onze bezorgdheid over de overhaaste goedkeuring van dit pakket aan wetten door het Indonesische parlement.
Een aantal Hondurese organisaties heeft een brief gestuurd naar het management van FMO om op te roepen niet in zee te gaan met de Hondurese bank FICOHSA. De bank is nauw verweven met de elite die in Honduras veel macht heeft over de politiek, de (para) militairen en het bedrijfsleven.
Bijna veertig maatschappelijke organisaties en netwerken uit de hele wereld, waaronder Both ENDS, stuurden vandaag een brief aan minister Kaag van Buitenlandse Handel en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking en staatssecretaris Vijlbrief van Financiën. Ze vragen de bewindslieden ervoor te zorgen dat de verruiming van de exportkredietverzekering vanwege de coronacrisis, bijdraagt aan groen herstel.