Publication / 3 December 2014

Export Credits and Human Rights: failure to protect

On behalf of the state, an export credit agency (ECA) provides export finance to exporters and investors doing business in developing countries and emerging economies. This support, which can be obtained in the form of a direct loan, a loan guarantee or an insurance, should reduce the financial risks of these entrepreneurs.


This joint publication of five CSOs highlights three case studies which show that projects supported by ECAs can have major negative impacts on people and the environment in the countries where these projects take place. ECAs must adhere to their own and to international guidelines on human rights and environment; officially projects should meet certain social and environmental criteria before they qualify for an export credit, but in practice this is not always the case. The authors of the publication give a number of recommendations to achieve a better practice in this area.


Both ENDS' Wiert Wiertsema contributed to this publication with a case description
of dredging works in the port of Suape (northeast Brazil). While insuring these activities Atradius DSB failed to protect human rights.


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