Annual report 2023
We proudly present the annual report 2023! A year with growing awareness that the current economic system is not working and a year full of hopefulness. We selected our top-three stories in the fields of a strengthened civil society, systemic change and transformative practices. You can read all of them in our Annual Report 2023!
Transformative practices
Examination of Power
Read more about this subject
External link / 2 July 2024
External link / 19 June 2020
Connecting women’s rights and IFI experts (Annual Report 2019)
When destructive projects are seen through the eyes of local women, it is clear that International financial Institutions (IFIs) are one piece of a large and complicated puzzle. Therefore, in 2019 we brought together experts in women's rights and IFIs to learn from each other.
External link / 19 June 2020
Nepalese women lead local advocacy on climate change (Annual Report 2019)
In 2019, Karambot Women's Agriculture Group (Nepal) convinced their municipality to fund its proposed irrigation plan, after they followed a planning and budgeting training.
External link / 2 July 2024
External link / 19 June 2020
Women and water in the shadow of oil palm plantations (Annual Report 2019)
In 2019, women from Semanga, Indonesia took action to improve the water quality in their community affected by palm oil. "The pollution needs to be stopped somewhere and it can start with me."
External link / 24 August 2022
Supporting civil society to work freely and safely (Annual Report 2021)
Both ENDS aims to ensure that civil society can work freely and safely to influence decision-making related to ecosystems, environmental justice and human rights. In many places around the world, the space for civil society organisations to operate is shrinking. Repression, harassment and violence against environmental human rights defenders – our partners among them – is on the rise.
External link / 19 June 2020
Community-based governance for free-flowing tidal rivers (Annual Report 2019)
Tidal River Management (TRM) is based on age-old community practices. In 2019, Uttaran helped ensure that TRM was seen by policymakers as a solution to waterlogging in the delta of Bangladesh, and that the voices of women and youth were being taken into account.
External link / 19 June 2020
The social practice of regreening the Sahel (Annual Report 2019)
In the first two years of the programme "Communities Regreen the Sahel", more than 10,000 farmers have been trained in Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration and the practice has expanded to more than 44,000 ha. Moreover, the number of agreements by farmers and nomadic pastoralists has increased significantly, which is important to avoid conflict over land use.
External link / 19 June 2020
Engaging investors for a fossil-free future (Annual Report 2019)
"If it is the fossil fuel-based ‘real economy’ that is driving us toward catastrophic climate change, it is the financial world behind the steering wheel." Therefore in 2019, Both ENDS worked towards fossil free investments by both individuals and public institutions such as the European Investment Bank (EIB).
External link / 19 June 2020
Faith and life in a wetland without borders (Annual Report 2019)
A popular committee succeeded in preventing a licence for a hydrodam in the river Jauquara, Brazil. Building a transnational people's movement to protect the wetland ecosystem: that's what the Wetlands Without Borders programme is all about. "Being connected provides a lifeline for communities."
External link / 2 July 2024
External link / 19 June 2020
A Senegal community beats back coal (Annual Report 2019)
After many years of resistance, in 2019 residents of Bargny, Senegal welcomed the shutdown of a coal plant in their community, as local fisherwomen retain access to their fish drying grounds. The case shows how complaint mechanisms can be a powerful tool to enforce change.
Publication / 26 November 2020
News / 16 January 2025
DetoX: Both ENDS leaves X
Both ENDS, along with many other Dutch organisations, is leaving social media platform X. In January, we will join the campaign ‘#DetoX’ by De Goede Zaak and Stem op een Vrouw. We hope that many organisations will follow us so that the hate, misinformation and the undermining of democracy on X are given less space.
Publication / 21 October 2024
External link / 2 July 2024
News / 19 March 2024
Both ENDS - Remarkably Special
At Both ENDS, we hold our own responsibility, self-direction, an open feedback culture, and personal development in high regard. Chaos, you might think? Not at all, it leads to an effective way of working with much enjoyment. The flat organizational structure that Both ENDS has been implementing since 2016 is founded on collectivity. In this, you can also see our aim of 'Connecting people for change' reflected.
News / 9 November 2023
Both ENDS welcomes new leadership: Annelieke Douma and Karin van Boxtel are interim directors!
Both ENDS has two new interim directors from November 9: Annelieke Douma and Karin van Boxtel. After 15 years, Danielle Hirsch hands over the directorship. She is currently standing for election to the GroenLinks/PvdA list. Annelieke and Karin will lead Both ENDS during the transition period to a new director of Both ENDS. Together with the board and the organisation, the new directors duo is full of energy to get to work in the coming months.
Publication / 23 June 2023
News / 10 January 2023
In Memoriam: Irene Dankelman
With pain in our hearts we say farewell to Irene Dankelman. She was pioneer in the field of gender and environment and one of the founders of Both ENDS.