News / 27 May 2021

Friday May 28: international day at the Wake for the Climate

During the formation of a new Dutch government after the general elections in March, a group of concerned citizens is holding a wake in front of the Prime Minister's residence to remind the political leaders of the climate crisis. On Friday May 28, they will pay attention to the international aspect, initiated by Cordaid, Oxfam Novib, Care, ActionAid, WECF, Hivos and Tearfund. Both ENDS is happy to support the initiative.

After all, the climate crisis has an international character. Climate change does not stop at the Dutch borders. And it are the people in many regions in Asia, Africa and Latin America who already face the most severe consequences of global warming, while contributing to it the least.

Message by Both ENDS's partners

Many of our partners around the world hear the testimonies from the communities they work with on how climate change already affects their daily life. Sara Crespo Suarez of our Bolivian partner Probioma explains how the effects are already being felt in her country: "In Bolivia, climate change has severely changed the agricultural calendar. Water sources have decreased considerably in recent years and rising temperatures have increased the incidence of agricultural pests."

Ana di Pangracio, working for FARN (Argentina) tells us about climate threats to large wetlands, while these same wetlands are crucial in mitigating global climate change: "The loss and degradation of wetlands in a climate change scenario that causes more often and heavier rains is a recipe for disaster. Communities are affected by severe floods that alter their daily lives, livelihoods and property."

Jahin Shams Sakkhar of UTTARAN (Bangladesh) tells us about the threat climate change is for his country: "Bangladesh is one of the most climate vulnerable countries in the world. Sea level rise is perhaps the biggest threat to the coastal people. It might force around 20 million people from the affected area to migrate away."

The Netherlands must take its responsibility in the fight against climate change

The Netherlands, being one of the biggest polluters, should therefore take a leading role with an ambitious and fair climate policy. Not only out of self-interest, being a country below sealevel, but also because of interntaional climate justice.

If we really want to contribute to curbing climate change, Dutch companies and governmental bodies will have to operate more climate neutrally not only in our own country but also in all countries where they are active. If we want to make the transition to sustainable energy sources, we should not only look at ways of reducing our dependency on gas in the Netherlands and making greater use of solar power and wind, but we especially need to stop investing in fossil activities abroad.

It is now up the political parties who are talking about forming a new government to prioritize a strong climate policy for the Netherlands and abroad. We will remind them of this tomorrow during the international wake for the climate. The messages from our partners will then also be added to the flag line.

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