Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA)
GAGGA rallies the collective power of the women's rights and environmental justice movements to realize a world where women can and do access their rights to water, food security, and a clean, healthy and safe environment.
Within communities around the world, women are actively resisting developments and policies that deny them their rights to water, food security and a clean, healthy and safe environment. They are playing vital roles in managing their natural resources and fighting to preserve access to them for themselves, their families and their communities. This knowledge and work by women, at the grassroots level, is often not recognised or valued, and women are still largely absent from the decision-making bodies that govern the use and control of natural resources. The Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA) seeks to change this situation by working with grassroots funds to support women's voices and leadership, and by advocating for policies and legal frameworks which respect, protect and fulfil women's rights. At the same time, GAGGA seeks to influence funding flows to ensure they reach grassroots groups and movements.
GAGGA: joint fight by the women's rights and environmental movements
GAGGA´s goal is to catalyse the collective power of the women´s rights and environmental justice movements towards realising a world in which women can and do exercise their rights to water, food security and a clean, healthy, and safe environment. GAGGA believes the women's rights and environmental justice movements have each achieved great success and positive strides in their respective spheres through the use of different methods and tactics. There is much they can learn from one another. And the change needed requires the attention of both, working harmoniously and effectively together.
GAGGA brings together the Fondo Centroamericano de Mujeres (FCAM), Both ENDS and Mama Cash, with the World Resource Institute (WRI) as strategic partner. With FCAM, a Central American grassroots fund based in Nicaragua with extensive experience in supporting women's rights groups as lead agent, GAGGA sets out to strengthen and unify the capabilities of grassroots groups to lobby and advocate with and for women to claim their rights to water, food security and a clean, healthy and safe environment.
The Role of Both ENDS in GAGGA
Both ENDS specifically brings in the environmental angle of this program as well as its expertise in lobby & advocacy at international level. In GAGGA, Both ENDS supports environmental grassroots funds, NGOs and networks to engage directly in lobby &advocacy activities at local, national and international levels, and builds the capacities of grassroots groups to do so.
Together we monitor socially and environmentally unsustainable policies, and investments of international financial institutions and new financial mechanisms (with an emphasis on development, climate, and infrastructure) and propose sustainable alternatives.
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Transformative Practice /
Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs)
About one in every six people, particularly women, directly rely on forests for their lives and livelihoods, especially for food. This shows how important non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and forests are to ensure community resilience. Not only as a source of food, water and income, but also because of their cultural and spiritual meaning.
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Small Grants Big Impacts
Small grants funds offer an effective, alternative way to channel big money from large donors and funds to local groups and organisations that are striving for a sustainable and just society everywhere around the world.
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Green Climate Fund: calling for local access to climate finance
Local organisations and groups must be given access to climate finance from the Green Climate Fund. They know exactly what is happening in their local context and what is required for climate adaptation.
Event / 14 November 2024, 12:50 - 16:45
#BothENDSatCOP29 Side Events
Both ENDS’ participation at COP29 includes three critical side events that will highlight gender-just climate finance, locally-led adaptation, and multilateral approaches to a just energy transition and industrialisation in the Global South.
News / 1 November 2024
Both ENDS at COP29: advocating for gender just climate finance
On November 11th, the 29th UN Climate Conference will start in Baku, Azerbaijan. Just like previous years, Both ENDS will be there to advocate for local access to climate finance, and to support our partner organisations in their advocacy work. How do we do that, and what are our hopes (and worries) about this 29th edition of the UNFCCC COP? We asked Marius Troost, who will be joining COP29 together with Daan Robben.
External link / 2 July 2024
Blog / 4 April 2024
If we women don't speak up, no one will speak for us
By Maaike Hendriks and Tamara MohrThis February women environmental defenders from around the world met each other in Indonesia. All these defenders face structural violence. GAGGA, the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action, supports these women. This meeting in Indonesia provided a unique space for women, trans-, intersex and non-binary people who are often the subject of conversation but rarely have the opportunity to engage with each other and meet other defenders from around the world. For they are all amazingly knowledgeable, strong and resilient women whom we should take seriously.
Event / 11 March 2024
From Policy To Practice: Funding Locally-led Gender-Just Climate Action
A discussion on the intersection of climate and gender justice - specifically on financing mechanisms for gender-just climate solutions!
Blog / 26 February 2024
Brumadinho: 5 years without justice
On January 25, 2019, Brumadinho region witnessed a tragedy-crime that claimed 272 lives, including two unborn children, affectionately called "Jewels" in response to VALE’s declarations that the company, as a Brazilian jewel, should not be condemned for an accident. However, the investigations about B1 dam collapse, at Córrego do Feijão Mine, showed that the scar left on the community and environment was not an accident, but VALE negligence.
News / 29 November 2023
An Urgent Call for Gender Just Climate Finance
The climate crisis continues to escalate, and the urgency for meaningful solutions has never been more palpable. As world leaders gather for the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP28), it's crucial that grassroots voices are not just heard but leading on the solutions we craft. We must recognise the climate leadership of the self-led groups of women, girls, trans and intersex within the Indigenous, Afrodescendant and rural communities that have been structurally excluded and silenced as the world grapples with climate change.
Publication / 16 October 2023
External link / 24 June 2023
Growing a global network of Analog Forestry promoters
The International Analog Forestry Network (IAFN), a long-term partner of Both ENDS, is inspiring and supporting women's leadership in their communities to restore local ecosystems using natural forests as a model. IAFN successfully built a network of local Analog Forestry Promoters during the pandemic years and consolidated the progress made over the previous two years in 2022.
Event / 22 March 2023, 13:15 - 14:30
Making finance for gender just water and climate solutions a reality!
The UN Water Conference is an important event that brings together stakeholders from around the world to discuss water and climate solutions. This year, GAGGA is organizing a side event during the conference that you won't want to miss!
On Thursday March 23rd, from 1.15 -2.30 pm, GAGGA will present their commitment to support, finance, and promote locally rooted, gender just climate and water solutions within the Water Action Agenda. This event will inspire other stakeholders to join in their commitment, while presenting inspiring examples of such solutions presented by local women from Nepal, Kenya, Paraguay, Mexico, and Nigeria.
Publication / 15 March 2023
Event / 4 March 2023, 13:00
Feminist March
On Sunday March 5 Both ENDS will be joining the Feminist March (called Women's March before). It starts at 1 PM at De Dam in Amsterdam.
With our block "Feminists for Climate Justice" we'll gather in front of Madame Tussauds.
News / 14 December 2022
Irene Dankelman, founder of Both ENDS becomes Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau
Last Saturday, 10 December, Both ENDS' founder, board member and advisor Irene Dankelman was awarded the title of Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau for her work supporting marginalised groups around the world. Both ENDS is delighted that that Irene has been honoured for the work she has done to achieve a fair and sustainable world.
News / 24 November 2022
Women Barefoot Ecologists won a Gender Just Climate Solutions award at COP27
At this year's UN Climate Conference COP27, Bhavya George, Climate Change coordinator of our partner organisation Keystone Foundation won one of the Gender Just Climate Solutions awards. Her project "Women Barefoot Ecologists", which also is supported by the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA), won in the category "Transformational Solutions".
Event / 11 November 2022, 15:00 - 16:30
Local perspectives to make gender-just climate finance a reality
UNFCCC-COP side event
In this session hosted by NTFP-EP and the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA), we will discuss the crucial steps to be taken to make gender-just climate finance a reality.
News / 10 November 2022
African women raise their voice ahead of COP27 and call for climate justice
In October 2022, 150 women from 14 African Countries gathered in Port Harcourt, Nigeria for the first African Women's Climate Assembly. The aim of this Assembly was to strengthen and unify women-led struggles against dirty extractives and false solutions to the climate crisis in West and Central Africa, and propose the real development solutions that support women's interests in a good and decent life and livelihoods in a time of climate crisis.
Publication / 4 November 2022