News / 13 april 2012

ADAPTS method is working!

The governmental body that is responsible for the management of water resources in Ghana, the Water Resources Commission (WRC), praises the ADAPTS method in which Both ENDS and partners are actively involved. In the preface of the Dayi River Basin Plan that was launched at the end of 2011, the commission expresses hopes for the extension of this method, currently being tested in a pilot in the Dayi river basin, to other river basins in Ghana.


The ADAPTS program started in 2007 with the cooperation of Both ENDS, the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) and ACACIA Water. It aims to bring measures that were developed by local communities to adapt to the effects of climate change, under the attention of policy makers, so they can be integrated into local and national water management plans.


In Ghana Both ENDS got into contact with the Development Institute (DI), a local organisation, in 2007. DI had developed a model to prevent the drying up of water resources caused by climate change. With the help of ADAPTS, this model was tested, refined and brought under the attention of the WRC. The result is a close collaboration between this governmental body, the local people and DI. The method is being submitted into the new water management plan for the Dayi basin.


Both ENDS and DI are very pleased with this result. Just like the Ghanese Water Resources Commission, we hope that this model will be used in other areas in Ghana and perhaps in other countries. This shows that it pays off to support and help promote local initiatives and adaptations to the authorities, so these can be involved in policy planning.

More information on the Dayi River Basin Management Plan.


Photo: tphilosophia (on flickr).

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