
Adaptation Futures, session 'Making Climate Finance Accessible to Women'

Both ENDS, MamaCash and FCAM are proud to contribute to the 'Adaptation Futures 2016- conference'.

Adaptation Futures is the biennial conference of the Global Programme of Research on Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation (PROVIA). In 2016 the European Commission and the Government of the Netherlands co-host the fourth edition. Adaptation Futures 2016 is where scholars, practitioners, policymakers and business people from all around the world go to connect, learn and inspire. It highlights adaptation practices and solutions for people, governments and businesses. The programme addresses all sectors and all parts of the world.

Session: 'Making Climate Finance Accessible to Women'

The Green Climate Fund aims to help countries adopt transformational pathways to low carbon, climate resilient development. The Fund is committed to a gender-sensitive approach to ensure climate finance addresses rather than reinforces gender inequalities, thus potentially setting an inspirational example to other financing mechanisms.

This session provides concrete suggestions based on cases from Indonesia, the Philippines and India to put this commitment into practice and assure financing reaches and empowers women to contribute to adaptation efforts. In break-out groups practitioners and policy makers are invited to share their vision on their role in advancing the transformative power of climate finance.


Annelieke Douma, Both ENDS, the Netherlands
Neni Rochaeni, Samdhana Institute, Indonesia & Philippines
Anju Sharma, Oxford Climate Policy, United Kingdom
Jacob Waslander, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands; Green Climate Fund Board member

Moderator: Cindy Coltman, Both ENDS, the Netherlands


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You can also download the invitation to the session.

Or see Adaptation Futures for the whole programme.

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