UNCCD COP14: Pathways for big money to reach local communities

Tijdens de UNCCD COP14 in India, die plaatsvindt  van 2 tot 13 september 2019, is Both ENDS medeorganisator van een aantal side events. 

Een ervan is:


How large funds can support communities to contribute to
Land Degradation Neutrality and SDG15.3 while leaving no one behind.

Organised by Drynet and Both ENDS

Through their experiences, many effective community-led initiatives for sustainable land use and restoration have gained valuable insights into how transformative interventions should be structured and supported, but are under-resourced and isolated from one another, and from main-stream government and intergovernmental processes. On the other hand, large-scale funds seek to invest in community-based initiatives, but due bottlenecks such as complex application procedures, high cut-off levels for grant-making, unsuitable eligibility requirements for community structures, delays in the release of funds) the money does not find its way to communities.

In this side event, we will explore appropriate and community-friendly funding mechanisms based on lessons learnt from our experiences and analysis of the current financial mechanisms in place.

The objective of this side event is to have an interactive dialogue between donors and financial mechanisms, policy makers and organisations that support communities (CBOs and CSOs) so as to draw a collective roadmap to realise improved access and appropriate financial support for upscaling and replication for community led initiatives.

Voor meer informatie


(Cenesta_Iran (admin), 29/08/2019)