
Everything becomes fluid under pressure: behind the scenes in Corona time

In these times of worldwide lockdown all attention is focused on the care sector, on the sorrow of those who are losing their loved ones, on children getting home-schooling and the neighbour who can no longer go the supermarket herself. Politicians and civil servants are hard at work trying to control the COVID-19 crisis and the economic crisis it has caused.

What is happening in the Netherlands in public view is impressive, fast and focused. But behind the scenes the world has not stopped. Discussions are going on about making money more accessible, borrowing more and transferring it from one public fund to another.

While public attention centres mainly on the situation in the Netherlands, major decisions are being taken about how to finance our foreign policy – on development cooperation, but more especially on promoting Dutch trade and exports.So this is the moment to design those money flows to serve climate and human rights and contribute to more sustainable trade and trade chains.

In the coming period, we will be devoting attention in the articles below to the options available to us to ensure that – especially now – our money contributes to a fairer and more sustainable trade policy.

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