News / 17 November 2008

First Both ENDS/Joke Waller-Hunter lecture at VU, Amsterdam


On December 15th 2008, Both ENDS organizes together with the Society for International Development (SID) the first Joke Waller-Hunter lecture. Both ENDS partner Professor Vijay Paranjpye will talk about `The contribution of agriculture and rural development to inclusive growth'.

Recent findings (World Development Report 2008: Agriculture for Development, The Memorandum on Agriculture, Rural Economies and Food Security of the Dutch Ministry of Development and Ministry of Agriculture) point out that agriculture and rural development have in the past, if applied in a proper development policy framework, effectively contributed to growth with equity.


The negligence of the agricultural sector has on the other hand to a large extent been responsible for the rural poverty and food insecurity. The sector must be placed at the centre of the development agenda if the goals of halving extreme poverty and hunger by 2015 are to be realized. What lessons can we learn regarding appropriate policies in the area of e.g. land ownership, rural infrastructure, rural credit systems, rural extension, the introduction of new varieties, etc.?


This lecture is the first one in a series of Joke Waller-Hunter lectures. Please click here to read more about the Joke Waller-Hunter Initiative. The lecture takes place from 18:00 - 19:30 h, VU , De Boelelaan 1105, Amsterdam.


Please click here for the 2008/2009 lecture programme of SID.


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