News / 4 June 2013

Both ENDS partner in the middle of protest on Taksim square

Few will have missed the recent uprisings in Turkey. What began as peaceful protests when one of Istanbul’s last green areas had to make way for the construction of a new shopping mall, has developed into violent clashes between the Turkish police and protesters. TEMA, a Turkish partner of Both ENDS, was right in the middle of protest.


In a letter to Both ENDS and other Drynet partners TEMA’s director explains: “What started as hundreds showing concern for an environmental issue quickly spread to hundreds of thousands in more than 67 cities concerned for their freedom and human rights as images depicting police intervention with excessive pressurized water and tear gas spread across social media.”


Turkish media have largely failed to report the protests, leading to anger among the Turkish people. TEMA therefore calls on all foreign partners to support the protesters in defending one of the few green areas left in the city. “We, as TEMA, join others and ask for your support in keeping Gezi Park intact and calling responsibles to stop this unrest. The mainstream media has turned a blind eye on the demonstrations. That's why your international support is urgent and needed.”


Amnesty International already took action to support the Turkish protesters. If you want to know what you can do, visit the special Amnesty website Take action now!.



Photo: CNN

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