Publicatie / 8 January 2021

Advancing inclusive land governance

Successful strategies and practices from the field

Strong land governance is crucial in managing land in a just, conflict-free and sustainable manner. This works best when local communities and rights-holders are placed at the centre of planning and decision-making, are able to define their own priorities and pursue them in meaningful and self-determined ways. However, formal land governance processes and decision-making often overlook or ignore the needs and perspectives, and sometimes even existence, of local communities, Indigenous Peoples and marginalised groups.


In order to address and overcome this situation, Both ENDS works together with a diverse network of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) on inclusive land justice and land governance agendas. Collaborating and engaging with communities and decision-makers, these organisations actively identify, implement and advocate for inclusive land governance and sustainable land-use policies and practices that suit their local context. This publication provides a collection of their experiences, practices and strategies in the form of a guidebook. The aim is to provide a source of inspiration as well as practical guidance that other organisations can draw upon to strengthen their own work towards achieving inclusive land justice.




cover 1. Participatory Mapping Cover 2. Legal Empowerment and Paralegal Training Cover 3. Collective Natural Resource Management and Sustainable Land Use Planning

Cover 4. Women Empowerment and Leadership in Land Governance Cover 5. Building Movements and Campaigns Cover 6. Ensuring Inclusiveness in Sustainable Land Use Practices

Cover 7. Engaging with decision-makers Cover 8. Monitoring Guideline Compliance and Implementation Cover 9. Dealing with Conflict

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