News / 25 April 2013

We proudly present Drynets results!

In 2007, fifteen organisations from all over the world joined forces in a programme called DRYNET. The goal was to work together to counter the degradation of drylands. DRYNET believes that local organisations and communities living in drylands should be at the heart of this effort. Yet, these organisations and communities are often not adequately involved in designing and implementing the projects and policies that affect their livelihoods. To change this, DRYNET’s programme provides a supportive framework that link local organisations around the globe. 


Drynet showscases successful grassroots responses to dryland issues and encourages the upscaling of successful initiatives and their dissemination to other areas. During the 5 past years Drynet has shown the importance of working with communities living in the world's drylands and the need to involve them in all development and planning processes.  In addition, the network has put sustainable solutions for degradation and drylands onto national and international agenda's.

This publication shows some of the results Drynet has achieved worldwide and highlights the added value of acting as an international network.The publication illustrates that being part of an international network  increases the recognition afforded to member organisations, broadens their outreach and facilitates exchanges of expertise between members.


Please find the report here:

The Impact of the Drynet network




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