News / 25 augustus 2014

Out now! Groundbreaking book on climate changes’ impact on water and its solutions, with contribution of Both ENDS

The impacts of climate change are largely mediated by water. Changes in precipitation and glacial melt patterns, variations in river flow, increased occurrence of droughts and floods, and sea level rise all impact both urban and rural communities in developed, emerging, and especially developing countries. The  book:'Adaptation to Climate Change through Water Management: Capacity, Equity and Sustainability' presents  evidence  of  the  emerging  wealth  of  knowledge  and experience on adaptation to climate change from across the world. It identifies common barriers and bridges for local adaptation to climate change through water resources management, looking at adaptive capacity, equity, and sustainability.

The chapter

The Both ENDS chapter “Equity Matters: Introducing the Capabilities Approach in Adaptation to Climate Change in River Basins in Ghana and Peru” describes the lessons learned in our successful 2008-2012 ADAPTS project.

The ADAPTS approach builds on local knowledge, priorities and initiatives, and includes local actors in decision-making processes on adaptive water management. It argues that local actors are not only a stakeholder group that should participate in policy discussions out of their own interest, but are essential to these dialogues because of their relevant knowledge on local impacts and potential responses.

ADAPTS shows that if local people have the right tools, information and opportunities such as access to tailored scientific data and a range of process rules allowing for active participation by local actors, their involvement in resources planning can lead to more sustainable, equitable and effective use of resources.


The impact

Climate change will further exacerbate the already significant stress on water resources globally. This book provides important insights for policy makers, practitioners and academics to implement much-needed and sustainable water sector adaptation policies and practices.



The book

:'Adaptation to Climate Change through Water Management: Capacity, Equity and Sustainability'

Edited by Dominic Stucker, Elena Lopez-Gunn, Routledge - 2014 - 446 pages


Chapter 12: Equity matters: Introducing the capabilities approach in adaptation to climate change in Ghana and Peru

Lead authors: Annelieke Douma and Danielle Hirsch, Both ENDS

Co-authors: Ken Kinney (Development Institute, Ghana) and Ralph Lasage (Institute for Environmental Studies, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

The method ADAPTS

ADAPTS in Ghana

Development Institute Ghana

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