News / 31 May 2012

Janet Awimbo presents visionaries’ booklet to HRH Prince Willem-Alexander

Janet Awimbo, a Kenyan ecologist, presented the first copy of the booklet 'Imagining sustainability' to HRH Prince Willem-Alexander yesterday. In the booklet, which is a co-production of Both ENDS and Cordaid, are seven interviews with thinkers from the southern hemisphere. They all envision a green and fair economy in the future. Awimbo and the Prince of Orange met at the Rio aan de Maas event in Rotterdam. At the event, Both ENDS also organised a workshop where Janet Awimbo, Paul Wolvekamp (Both ENDS) and Maarten Hajer (Bureau for Environmental planning) spoke with each other and with the audience.


Environmental and economic challenges - that are also brought up in 'Imagining sustainability' - were discussed during the workshop. Grassroot organisations in the South are pioniers 'on the ground' against environmental issues and human rights violations. However, it often lacks them of a sufficient amount of knowledge and financial means. Awimbo shows the people in her country how to stand up for their rights. "In Kenya the situation is shifting; people are getting braver and mouthier. Instead of asking the government to take action, people will more often say: 'we expect the government to take action'", says Awimbo.


Maarten Hajer pleads for more interaction between management at local and higher levels. The government has to get more involved: "The government needs to set political goals and guarantee sustainability in the long run. The architecture of the government needs to change radically, so officials will be more involved in companies and see what's going on there". But Hajer also lays responsibility with citizens and forces us to think about our role in a fair global society: voting rights and consumer behavior gives us a lot of power. Paul Wolvekamp finds the key to increasing sustainable initiatives in cooperation. Making mistakes is fine - but: learn from your mistakes and 'learn by doing'.


'Imagining sustainability' is available for download now. Also in Spanish: 'Imaginando la sostenibilidad'


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