News / 18 November 2014

Bar Association listens to local people in Suape

While in The Netherlands November 10 was cold and grey, a heated discussion took place in Suape, Brazil. On this day, local residents of the area – which has been claimed by the port of Suape – gathered for a meeting with the chairman of the Bar Association (BA) of Pernambuco, Mr. Pedro Henrique Alves Reynaldo. Though it is likely that the Bar Association will file a complaint against the port authority of Suape, a clear picture of the situation will first have to be constructed. For this reason as many people as possible were invited to share their stories.


Over a hundred people were present at the meeting: farmers, dwellers and traditional fishermen who took the opportunity to tell about the recent developments in their lives. Many have been violently displaced from their homes and land, and have thus lost their livelihoods. It is not clear who will be eligible for compensation from the port authority, or whether such compensation will be sufficient.



Not only material damage, but also a lot of psychological damage has been done. The port authority of Suape has not shown any respect whatsoever to the local people in the region. An elderly woman – granddaughter of slaves who worked at the local sugar plantations in the past – shared the story about how she was able to raise her children and grandchildren in freedom, and how she is now being evicted as though she were a slave.


Violence and intimidation

The people of Suape were not the only ones present at the meeting. Others were also given a chance to talk, such as one lawyer who is committed to the plight of the people of Suape, the chairman of the human rights commission of the BA, a representative of the Comissão Pastoral da Terra (CPT), an employee of the Fórum Suape, and a representative of the women’s centre of Cabo de Santo Agostinho. When asked about who had been directly confronted with violence or intimidation from the privately-owned security company of the Port Authority of Suape, tens of people raised their hands.


Legal steps

The regional chairman and the chairman of the human rights commission of the BA were touched and impressed by the events that have been taking place in Suape, and announced that they will not only investigate the locals’ complaints, but also hold talks with the Port Authority of Suape. Though the result is encouraging indeed, the Fórum Suape will keep fighting for the rights of the local people.


This is an adaptation of a report of the meeting, which can be found here: Fórum Suape  (in Portuguese)

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