
Dossiers in the spotlight

Both ENDS devotes special attention to a number of issues. We often work closely with local partners for many years on these dossiers or, through worldwide networks, we call for changes in policy. Below is a selection of our most prominent dossiers.

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    Suape: port expansion threatens paradise

    Two projects insured by Atradius DSB in the Brazilian port of Suape have caused serious social problems and environmental damage. Both ENDS is helping the local people to obtain justice.
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    Participatory Land Use Planning (PLUP)

    Participatory Land Use Planning (PLUP) is a rights-based approach ensuring inclusive and gender-responsive land governance, especially for those whose rights to land are not fully acknowledged.
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    Indigenous communities threatened by Barro Blanco dam in Panama

    The Barro Blanco dam project in Panama, which has Dutch financial support, is causing indigenous lands to disappear under water. Both ENDS is working to protect the rights of indigenous communities living near the dam.
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    The JWH Initiative: supporting young environmental leaders

    The JWH Initiative aims to stimulate leadership of young people in environmental organisations by giving small grants to individuals to expand their knowledge, experience and training.
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    All Eyes on the Amazon

    Covering an area of 5.5 million kmĀ², the Amazon rainforest is the largest rainforest in the world. At least 12% of the forest has been lost in the last decades, and deforestation is still continuing at a rapid pace. Illegal logging, land grabbing and intimidation for agriculture, animal husbandry and mining are daily business, and impunity rules. Recent developments, such as the election of the new Bolsonaro government in Brazil, make the future of the Amazon region and the people living there even more uncertain than it already was.
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