News / 26 March 2015

Negotiating climate money in Korea

What opportunities will the Green Climate Fund (GCF) offer countries like Indonesia and Ghana? What decisions must be made now so that the money from the fund will reach the places it was intended for in the future? Since the UN decided to set up the Green Climate Fund in 2011, Both ENDS and several other NGOs from developing countries have been aiming to influence the way the fund is organized. This week, the ninth board meeting of the GCF will be held in Songdo, South Korea. Just like at earlier board meetings, Both ENDS is represented, this time in the person of Leonie Wezendonk. Along with Titi Soentoro from the Indonesian advocacyorganisation Aksi! and Ken Kinney of the Development Institute in Ghana, she traveled to

Songdo to convince the board of the importance of local initiatives in the fight against (the consequences of) climate change.


Prior to the meeting Titi and Ken wrote a blog about the direction the GCF should choose according to them. Policies should match the needs and capacities of developing countries, and especially the groups within those countries that are most affected by climate change. It is important that the money is not fully absorbed by large-scale projects that do not benefit the local population. Both ENDS and partners find that locals usually have the best, most sustainable solutions to problems caused by climate changes. We do everything we can to make the board of the GCF integrate this in their policy, so that the fund will be designed in such a way that climate financing will be available and accessible for these groups.


Read the whole blog of our partners on the website of the Climate & Development Knowledge Network.


Read all blogs that Both ENDS and partners wrote until now about the developments at the Green Climate Fund


Read more background information about the Green Climate Fund

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