News / 12 december 2011

NEW FILMS ONLINE: small farmers and jatropha, does it work?

In the beginning of October 2011, Tim Senden travelled to Tanzania for Both ENDS. In Tanzania he interviewd a number of organisations that are working on small-scale jatropha production. Thousands of small-scale farmers grow the jatropha seeds - which give a rich oil that can be used for energy production - along sides their food crops. Most of the seeds are sold to a company that exports the oil to Europe. From the remaining seeds they make soap which is sold on the local market. Is this a sustainable production model - unlike the big jatropha plantations - from which Tanzanian small-scale farmers can profit? Watch the clips and place your reactions on our Youtube channel, or on our Facebook or Twitter page.

Introduction to the case: small-scale jatropha farming in North-East Tanzania

Jatropha farmer Timothy Kwang'a tells about his jatropha test field in the town of Babati, his farmergroup will have a first harvest this year.

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