News / 21 March 2017

FPIC needs to move beyond an ‘end of the line-solution’

How can we more effectively implement FPIC-legislation and ensure the fundamental community rights of indigenous peoples are protected? Both ENDS' Wiert Wiertsema explores this question in an article in the newsletter of our partner NTFP-EP.

FPIC - Free, Prior and Informed Consent - is the principle recognizing that a community has the right to give or withhold its consent to proposed projects that may affect the lands they customarily own, occupy or otherwise use. FPIC has been embedded in a number of international treaties and convention, but on the ground, it is often not implemented correctly.

In his article in the January edition of Leaf Litter, the newsletter of our partner NTFP-EP, Wiert Wiertsema suggests how to increase the correct implementation of FPIC.

Read the article about FPIC
Read the whole edition of Leaf Litter

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