News / 6 April 2009

Africa Day 2009 to be held on 25 April in The Hague

On Saturday, 25 April the Evert Vermeer Foundation will be organising its annual Africa Day. This will be the day for putting Africa and development cooperation in the spotlight. Exciting debates, interesting classes, dozens of workshops and a fantastic cultural programme will form the most important components of the EVS Africa Day.


Both ENDS will organise an interesting debate at the event in the Haagsche Hogeschool building in the Hague: European Policy on Agriculture and Trade: the case of the African farmer. This debate will tackle European trade policy and its implications for small African farmers. It promises to be a very colourful debate, with a panel comprised of people like John Patrick Byaruhanga, a dairy farmer from Uganda and Harm Evert Waalkens, Tweede Kamerlid (Member of the Dutch House of Commons) of the PvdA (a left wing political party).

There are still some seats available for the debate, but don't wait too long to reserve. Aside from Both ENDS' debate there will be over 50 other workshops, debates and cultural happenings at the event. For more information about Africa Day, please visit the website. For more information about Both ENDS' debate, please contact Burghard Ilge.

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