News / 30 July 2015

A review of 2014 in our new annual report!

For Both ENDS, 2014 was a year of both looking back and ahead. We achieved valuable results with projects we have been working on for many years. At the same time, we also started a number of promising new activities. Together with our partners, we worked on more than 40 projects linked to the topics land, water and capital flows.



For example, we made important steps towards participative water governance in Africa. And in order to put an end to land grabbing and to promote sustainable land governance, a multi-stakeholder dialogue was initiated between Dutch Minister Ploumen and civil society organisations that work on sustainable land governance. Furthermore, together with a number of Southern partners of the Board of the Green Climate Fund we advocated for regulations that guarantee the fund is spent on those people that are hit hardest by climate change.


In 2014, we also collaborated with other NGOs in strengthening our ties with scientific institutions, in order to facilitate the exchange of specific knowledge and expertise. Moreover, this exchange ensures that sustainability and local practices from developing countries will be incorporated and embedded in the curriculums of universities and research institutions. 


Furthermore, we improved our external communication, for example by starting a digital newsletter. And, last but not least, we focused on fundraising and attracting new financiers for the post-2015 period when some of our large programmes will end.


Please, read our annual report 2014.

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