Jonila Castro of AKAP KA & Kalikasan People's Network for the Environment
Jonila Castro works for AKAP KA Manila Bay and/or Kalikasan People's Network for the Environment (Kalikasan PNE). The livelihood of the majority of the Filipino people depends on the environment, on the seas and the lands and mountains.
"Protecting the environment is protecting our future," she says. "The Philippines is not just a nice view, but also our life. We have all the reasons to protect it."
So any threat of the environment is really a threat to the lives of the Filipino people. Something Jonila and her friend Jhed experienced first hand when they were abducted.
Jonila works daily together with other concerned Filipinos to defend the rich biodiversity and environment of the Philippines. A story about her dream for a world where we prioritize the protection of the environment because protecting the environment and upholding people's rights and not the profit for the few.
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Dossier /
Transformative Talks
At Both ENDS we aim to connect people for change. Together with environmental justice groups from the Global South, we work towards a sustainable, fair and inclusive world.
Video / 18 mei 2024
Charity Migwi of Oil Change International
Oil Change International is mainly focused on research, communication, and advocacy. Charity Migwi helps with campaigning to get fossil fuel companies to face out their production of oil and gas. In Africa, for instance Nigeria and Senegal, she works together with communities, especially where the projects are happening to see how they can collaborate and strengthen each other. And they are under pressure of time. Where advocacy takes patience and time, climate change impacts are rising daily. A personal talk about the importance of things that are worth fighting for. At Both ENDS, our aim is to connect people for change.
Video / 17 mei 2024
Muhammad Al Amin of WAHLI-Sulawesi
Muhammad Al Amin works as the executive director at WALHISulawesiSelatan. WALHI is an Indonesian environmental non-governmental organization, which is part of the Friends of the Earth International (FoEI) network and the biggest environmental non-profit organization in Indonesia.
Video / 16 mei 2024
Lungisa Huna of the Rural Womens's Assembly
Lungisa Huna works at Rural Womens’s Assembly in Cape Town South Africa. She talks about her dreams, concerns and work with the farming women of South Africa.
Video / 26 december 2023
Ariel Slipak of La FundaciĆ³n Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
At the moment, Argentina is going through difficult times in terms of politics, related to the growth of institutional violence and that is why FARN believes passionately that the defense of the environment is also the defense of human rights, the defense of a good life for people, the defense of justice, of equity. So they fight passionately for greater access to information and for people to live better.