Publication / 16 oktober 2023

Women within the Context of Agricultural Extractivism: Voices of Women Land Defenders in Central America

Agricultural extractivism in Central America tells us a story about how capitalism hides
behind the veneer of sustainable energy and food alternatives, of transnational companies, investors, national elites, and corrupt governments. At the same time, it speaks to us about the living memory of the struggles for the defense of the commons and local communities' permanence in the territory, as they confront inequality, the impact of armed conflicts, organized crime, and agrarian counter-reforms. The stories we want to honor now are those that have been forcefully carved by women, who have
transformed multiple injustices and sowed hope amid green deserts.

  • How do monocultures affect ecosystems, communities, and specifically women?
  • What are women defenders and their communities doing to stop the destruction of their territory?
  • Why is it imperative that we talk about this and do something about it?

These are some of the key questions that guided the collaborative report Women within the Context of Agricultural Extractivism: Voices of Women Land Defenders in Central America, which was executed by various Central American partner organizations of the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action, GAGGA. The report's objective is to make visible the gendered impacts of agricultural extractivism faced by women and to support actions against its expansion in Central America.

In this executive summary, you will find a review of the investigation's methodology and content, a brief characterization of agricultural extractivism in Central America, a synthesis of the main findings from the cases studied, and proposals and actions by the affected women. Finally, you will learn about our recommendations to States, companies, donors, international financial institutions, and multilateral financing
organizations with the goal of guaranteeing human rights in these contexts and promoting the struggles of women and their communities for the safekeeping of life and the territories.

You can find the full report on the website of GAGGA.

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