News / 7 March 2013

Ode to strong female leaders

What would the world look like if men and women around the world would have the same opportunities in life? What would politics look like if half of the world's leaders would be female? What would development look like if men and women would have equal access to and control over the natural resources they depend upon?

Female knowledge is crucial

We are Action Aid, Both ENDS, Clean Clothes Campaign, Friends of the Earth the Netherlands, SOMO and TNI. We are convinced that the world would be a better place if at least half of the seats at all negotiation tables would be occupied by women.  Women form the majority of small-scale farmers, but  they  are also the primary care takers of their families and communities. Being dependant on their habitat they fight for the conservation of nature and environment. They have a wealth of experience and knowledge on how to use and manage the world's resources in a sustainable way and have often come with innovative ideas.

Strong women

In our view, female visions and knowledge are indispensable for making balanced management decisions on a local, national or international level. But what do female leaders in developing countries say about this? What role do women already play? To mark International Women's day 2013, we asked these and other questions to female leaders from Africa and Asia. They all express their own vision on the role of women in sustainable and fair development. Visions from six strong women on the female contribution to a green and fair world.

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